Thursday 7 May 2015

LO4: Task 2: Analysis of Feedback

When Vicky delivered her feedback, we found the majority of her comments to be positive, with the suggestions for improvement being constructive and helpful. She was impressed with both the balanced dialogue between the two presenters in the script and the general detail we went into. Additionally, Vicky felt that all of the information was relevant and the amount of dialogue was appropriate for the television show.

In contrast, Vicky felt that the script could have been more "fun", as it seemed quite formally written in a similar style to the dialogue on BBC News, however she believed that regardless it would "fit in with the show". Therefore, to improve our script we shall modify our dialogue by adding in regional dialect and slang phrases to make the speech more informal and conversational. Based on Vicky's feedback we also need to highlight the local gaming scene, indie games and events in Sheffield, instead of purely focussing on International gaming news and technology. 

Overall with regards to improving our script, we are going to research and include information on local indie games companies such as Sumo and Rockstar. Also, we will change our dialogue by looking into stylistic conventions of other conversational news programmes such as BBC's Newsround to make our speech less formal.

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